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High School vs. College: Life Lessons

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Isn’t it weird how you come back home from school and nothing has changed but everything is different?

I’m not sure about you guys, but unless it’s a holiday, or a very (and I mean very) special occasion, I do not come home. Although I do love my town with a population of 807 people, my heart, my friends, and all of my papers and exams are now in Boone.

This year I came home for fall break and actually went back to my high school two different times. I had not been back to my high school in a while and it definitely was strange.

I first went to my old high school’s volleyball game, where I watched ten girls play on the same court that I played on, cried on, and probably got broken up with on back in the day. A lot of my life was spent in that gym practicing, playing, watching my friends play, and pretending to be in whatever gym class was happening at the time so my best friend and I could skip class.

But do any of my friends here at Appalachian know anything about my high school volleyball career? No. Do they care? No. Do I care that they don’t care? No. Because for the most part I don’t really care who they were in high school either. I care who they are now.

Coming to college and having a clean slate is one of the best things about moving away from home.

When I was home, I even ventured out the next night and went to my high school’s homecoming football game. Knowing I would see multiple people I knew, I made my Mom come and sit with me the entire time. Isn’t it funny how back in high school you never wanted to hang out with your mom in public but once you get to college it’s all you want to do?

As the names of the girls on the homecoming court were being called, I had a flashback to my freshman year of high school, walking on the same field, with the first boyfriend I ever had in my entire life, thinking that moment was one of the best moments of my life.

Once again, I was wrong. Yeah seeing the homecoming girls brought back memories, but when I think about the best moments of my life do I think about my homecoming reign in high school?


Do I think about anything in high school in general? No.

High school did give me a few best friends, I will say that. It gave me my best, best friend, who I still talk to everyday even though she decided not to come to Appalachian. High school also taught me how to love.

College taught me how to appreciate my parents but high school taught me how to respect them.

High school taught me that it’s okay to be late to class every single morning if you’re a senior. College taught me that’s actually not okay.

College taught me that how you look and dress isn’t everything. In high school I constantly compared myself to every other girl, feeling the pressure to look my best at all times. I’ve successfully worn the same pair of leggings three times this week to class. Does anyone notice or care? No.

High school taught me that getting angry while playing sports is immature. College is still trying to teach me that.

High school taught me that trying to sneak out to see my boyfriend was a stupid idea because you’ll always get caught by your parents. Just wait a few years, in college you don’t have to sneak out to do anything.

High school made me think that drama would follow me all of my life. College reminded me that’s not true. 

High school made me think I had to look a specific way, act a specific way, talk a specific way and do certain things. College told me that I can be who I want and do who I want. There’s 18,000 students here there’s bound to be at least one who accepts me.

College taught me that you can’t always predict who will end up being important in your life. Not everyone you meet in high school will follow you in your journey, but some will.

High school made me think that having a boyfriend was everything. College made me realize that having a good relationship with your friends and family is everything.

High school made me think that losing in some form means you’ve failed, and that people don’t like you as much as you thought. College taught me that failing actually means that you took the risk to try, and that some times the best people come in last for a little phase of their life. But eventually, they will come out on top.

The years one spends in high school can never be replaced. Some people really discover themselves in high school. Some really destroy their reputation, but what’s the best thing about college again? Clean slate.

College is where you not only learn about yourself but the world in general. You learn how to deal with other opinions and perspectives other than your own. You learn that in order to succeed, you HAVE to prioritize and work hard.

These are things I, personally, didn’t have to learn in high school. Because of this, I am THANKFUL for Appalachian challenging me mentally and emotionally (and physically if you count all of the hills on campus).

The things that seem SO important now really won’t matter in ten, maybe even five years. Don’t let the little things plague your life. High school goes by fast. College goes by faster. Life really is too short.












Carlin is a senior at Appalachian State University pursuing a degree in Public Relations and English. She is a Bachelor and One Tree Hill fanatic who is passionate about chocolate frosties and Chipotle. Her dream job is to be a sports reporter for ESPN.