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Hey, it’s OK! HCAppState Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

We all know how much we love this feature in Glamour magazine, and now Her Campus has done its own App State version for the women in Boone…

Hey, it’s OK!

-to not plan on taking advantage of the 24-hour library during exams. Sometimes your room is just too warm and cozy, plus it has your bed in it.

-to read The Hunger Games like it’s your job until you find out what happens in the end

-to put things on your to-do list that you’ve already finished. Having at least one thing crossed off can be motivation enough.

-to avoid making busy plans for the first half of Christmas break because you may need to go into a home-induced coma for a week or so

-to pay to park in the Rivers Street deck for a day because you just don’t feel like walking or waiting on the bus in the cold

-to watch “Elf.” Every day.

-for hot chocolate with Baileys to become your new favorite drink

-to pick up a couple more pairs of thick, knitted, socks

-to walk up and say hi to the guy at the bar you keep making eye contact with

-to feel bitter that some days are too cold to wear your new ballet flats

-to go Christmas shopping at the outlets and peek at the sale racks for yourself

-to pretend that your voice is the perfect compliment to Michael Buble’s while listening to his Christmas album

-to be constantly terrified of stepping on ice on campus and falling flat on your back

-to have already scoped out some spring break plans

-to read HC AppState while you procrastinate on that 8 page paper

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!