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Goals For the Second Half Of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

We’re halfway through the semester, which also means we’re 1/4 done with the school year. Time flies when you’re having fun? Maybe you’ve had a great first half of the semester, but there’s always ways to improve. And maybe your first half of the fall semester could have been better. Either way, here are some goals for the second half:

Get involved with a new club or organization on campus.Appalachian State has over 300 clubs and organizations. I promise you, there is one for you, and if not, create your own. Hello, resumé building. Getting involved with something new will not only make you feel more connected to the university and to your peers, but will give you something productive to do.

Do some volunteer work.Boone boasts hundreds of local philanthropies that give back to the people in the community that we are a part of. Visit the humane society with a box of treats and some dog toys. Volunteer a few hours at the F.A.R.M. Café, a restaurant on King Street that “feeds all regardless of means.” Customers can either volunteer their time in exchange for the food they eat or pay what they have. Organize your own can drive or coat drive.


Raise those grades.I’m sure everyone’s grades could use a little bit of work, unless you already have all A’s, and if that’s the case, uggg.“C’s get degrees”? Yeah, not so much. Make study dates in the library with your friends, spend a little extra time on each of your classes and don’t procrastinate.

Relax more often.As the semester winds down, it can be tricky to find time to relax and take a breather. Make sure to find time for yourself, whether that means seeing your friends, watching your favorite show on Netflix, napping or listening to some music. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.


Make a new friend.Who knows, maybe the next friend you make will end up being your Maid of Honor one day.

Aim for at least one girl’s night a month, it will revitalize your soul.Pizza, beer, Netflix, dance parties, ice cream, I don’t know what you enjoy, but whatever it is, make time for it each month. Quality time with your girls is always worth making time for.

Find a new fitness activity you enjoy.Besides the obvious fact that exercising is good for you, it boosts your mood and acts as a stress reliever. Besides the fact that Appalachian has three gyms, one of which includes a swimming pool, it also offers fun classes you can participate in. Try out a Zumba or cardio dance class and if you don’t like it, try something else. 




