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The Easiest Contouring Guide You’ll Ever Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.


I’m going to be honest here. I suck at doing makeup and spend ten minutes max on doing mine in the morning. I usually put just enough on so I don’t look completely dead as I walk around campus. So one day, I decided to spend hours on Pinterest (avoiding responsibilities) and compile a step-by-step contouring guide that was so easy, even I could do it.

So here it is, collegiettes, it’s the contouring guide you have all been waiting for!


It is so important to moisturize before you start applying makeup. Especially living in Boone with winter quickly approaching, always be sure to moisturize to protect your face from the harsh wind and cold. Your face is like an artist’s canvas, and the makeup is the artist’s paint. In order to make a beautiful masterpiece, you have to start out with a good, hydrated base.


Step 2: Foundation Base

I usually use a liquid foundation as a solid base. If you use a powder only, it will give your face a matte look that isn’t as natural. So when you apply the liquid foundation, use 5 “dots,” one on your forehead, each cheek, your nose, and your chin. Take a sponge applicator (or use your hands as long as you get a smooth finish) and blend it in downward strokes. If you blend it in upward strokes, the fuzz on your face will stick out and it will not look as smooth.

Step 3: Powder Foundation

I use a powder foundation after I use the liquid because it makes your face look softer and it blends it in more. If I don’t blend the liquid well enough, this covers up the streaks.

Step 4: Bronzer

My motto for bronzer: less is more. Apply it to the edge of your hairline, just below the jawline, and on the sides of your nose. It will (and I know this picture does) look a little too dark at first, but once you add the highlighter and blend it even more, it will look more natural. Contouring your face actually looks really ridiculous until you are finished.

Step 5: Highlighter.

This gets pretty fun because of how funny it looks. I use a cream highlighter that doubles as a concealer. If you are using a cream, get a shade lighter than your foundation color. Use your ring finger to apply and blend. Your ring finger gives it a smoother and softer look. Apply the highlighter above, in between, and below the eyebrow, under your eyes, on your nose, the cupid’s bow, and your chin. Smooth it all together and then blend your entire face with a makeup brush.

Step 6: Blush

Smile! Apply your blush from the apple of your cheek back to your hairline.

Step 7: Eyes, and you’re done!

Eyes are different for everyone because the makeup you should use is based on your eye shape. I usually just brush on a little bit of eyeshadow, line my eyes, use mascara, and I’m out the door.






Cover photo: http://www.garlicandgrenadine.com/2015/04/make-up-faux-pas-7-le-contouri…

Christiana is a Senior at Appalachian State, where she is an Elementary Education major. She is the Editor in Chief of Her Campus App State and a sister of Sigma Kappa Sorority and serves as her chapter's Vice President of Scholarship. In her free time, Christiana likes to look at cute pictures of puppies, watch Netflix, and eat Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream. She hopes to be a Kindergarten teacher one day, and to be a role model for elementary schoolers everywhere.