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The Dos and Don’ts of Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.


The Dos and Don’ts of Spring Break

Spring break is finally here, collegiettes! Midterms have come and gone, the weather is getting warmer, and you’ve packed your bags for a tropical getaway (AKA Myrtle Beach – don’t worry, I don’t judge). While it’s a given that you’re supposed to have an awesome time on your spring break trip, there are plenty of things you should avoid doing. Check out the dos and don’ts of spring break:

Do: Have a cocktail with your best friends. With the semester you’ve had, you’ve earned it.

Don’t: be that girl who is outrageously drunk every day. There is a way to drink and maintain your dignity. Hint: If you find yourself streaking through the beach house with countless onlookers – YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.

Do: wear sunscreen. Okay, I know I sound like your mom, but really! The last thing you want is to be the spitting image of a tomato on a week long, sunshiney trip. You’ll thank me later.

Don’t:  be ashamed of your body. We all have flaws, and there’s nothing wrong with that! A positive personality most definitely outweighs anything exterior.

Do: try your hand at cooking with your friends. Believe me, fun is sure to ensue.

Don’t:  bother cleaning up after people, especially if you’re staying with lots of your friends. Trust me, it’s just going to get dirty again. Worry about it on the last day, and have fun until then!

Do: take pictures with your camera. As cliché as it may sound, these are the days we’re going to remember when we’re old and no longer look cute in bikinis. Embrace it, readers.

Don’t: Upload 900 selfies of you and your eighteen best friends. We’re glad you’re having a great time; we don’t need minute by minute documented proof.

Do: rock the beachy hair. Leave the straightners at home just this once, and let your hair do its own thing. Being at the beach is a good excuse, right?

Don’t: forget to make your spring break an unforgettable time! Being in college is such a short experience, so make the most of every adventure you take with your friends.


Have fun, readers!