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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.


Dear Mr. or Madame. President,

The world is not sure who you are yet, and I think we’re all pretty on edge about who you might be. We are an intensely passionate group of people when it comes to policymaking in this country, and while my intentions of this letter are not meant to put the pressure on you, you should be aware that the pressure is on.

Running for president is not a game. It is not a performance for the entertainment of the masses. It is not a challenge of witticism. It is a serious race between the elites within the political realm to determine who has the best intellect and passion to administer this country.

I can’t speak for everyone because I’m positive that my opinions differ significantly from the next person in line to vote. But I do think that there are some things we can all find common ground on.

The largest part of this common ground being that we all want the best for our nation.

Where it gets difficult is when we attempt to define the word “best”.

So I have some questions for you.

When your own children retire, what type of country do you want them to live in? With supportive communities and services? In comfortable housing with quality health care? Or fending for themselves and in need? How will you focus on this?

How hard do you propose it will be to get a suitable job in the upcoming three years?

If your child was homosexual or any other type of minority, would you be fearful of them living in North Carolina?

Do you believe in providing sufficient care for our veterans?

Are you going to do anything about wealth disparity and if so, what? Do you think it’s good for our society to have so few holding all of the wealth while the majority of people have little in comparison? Do you believe it is in order to guide the wealth to a more even distribution?

Regardless of your stance on global warming, do you believe it is our responsibility to take care of the environment? If so, how will you implement this?

Despite the fact that I don’t know who you are yet, I am optimistic that you will do your best when it comes to running this nation. Why else would you put yourself in such a strenuous position unless you were truly passionate about it? So for that, I thank you.

“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.”

-John F. Kennedy