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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

The Best Thanksgiving Dessert Recipes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Thanksgiving is a time to be spent with your friends and family and not only will they be thankful for you, but they will be thankful you made some of these delicious desserts. 

Pecan Bars

While the name may sound simple, sometimes the simple things are the best things in life. The recipe yields 24 bars which is enough for basically your entire extended family. Pecans are a classic staple this time of year and anything with butter, pecans and brown sugar cannot possibly taste bad. 


Caramel Apple Cheesecake

With a graham cracker crust, cream cheese layer and caramel drizzle, this dessert is the perfect cherry on top of all that turkey you ate. The combination of apple slices and toasted walnuts screams Thanksgiving and autumn.



Sweet Potato Pie

Pumpkin pie is usually the expected classic, but sometimes it can be too played out. If you’re looking for a different Thanksgiving classic, sweet potato pie might be the best bet. Don’t forget the marshmallow layer on top, it adds for an extra layer of sweetness.



Thanksgiving trifle

Sometimes it’s better to spend more time around Thanksgiving focusing on family, rather than making dessert. That’s where this dessert comes in, trifles are simple, easy to make, not time consuming, but also are presentable looking and yummy. This one combines caramel mousse and caramel sauce, apple crumble and whipped cream.




Cake pops

Looking for a cute, fun and family-friendly dessert? Try these festive cake pops. The older adults will be impressed with your creativity and younger relatives and children won’t be scared to eat them up. 



Paradise Pumpkin Pie

This list wouldn’t be complete with out some kind of pumpkin pie recipe; it just had to be included. After searching far and wide, this recipe is the winner. There’s no better excuse than Thanksgiving to whip up a pumpkin pie. Plus, this pie has two layers, meaning double the deliciousness. 


Apple fritters

It’s like the more classy, Thanksgiving version of some kind of food you would find at the State Fair. If your family isn’t deep frying the turkey this year, try some apple fritters. You definitely can’t go wrong with these. 
