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The Awkward Moments Every ASU Student Has

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

College is a learning experience and sometimes, learning experiences are not always free of unnecessary embarrassment. We’ve all had those mortifying moments in college that we will never forget, whether it was in front of friends or a cafeteria of strangers. On any given day, you may see one or more of these occurrences on campus but keep in mind, laugh discreetly because you could be next.

-The Mountaineer classic: slipping and busting on black ice in the middle of campus on one of those particularly cold Boone days. You will want to cry, but don’t because your tears might freeze.

-Waiting for your McAlisters to-go order and thinking that you hear your name five times before they actually do call your name—then doubting that you even heard your name at all.

-Getting all the way up the hill to the Quinn and realizing you don’t know where you dropped your App Card on your cross campus walk to your favorite group fitness class. Come to think of it, walking anywhere across campus (i.e.: to the stadium for a football game) and forgetting your App Card.

-Crying in the computer lab during your registration day because all of your classes are full.

-If you’ve ever had a River’s Deck parking pass: dropping your App Card out of your car window when trying to swipe it to exit. Then having to get out of your car in front of a line of traffic to retrieve your card and try again.

-Being the only person in Safe Ride and not knowing if you should sit in the front or the back…or the very back.

-Trying to navigate around people with umbrellas on the narrow, walled sidewalk that runs along the side of the cafeteria (on the IG Greer side). Someone always ends up getting an umbrella stab to the head.

-Walking out of the cafeteria and realizing that you left your App Card/credit card/phone/anything on your tray that you just sent into no-man’s-land on the trash carousel.

-Starting to cross Rivers Street and realizing that a car is coming faster than you anticipated: cue the awkward “casual jog with backpack on.” No one can make this look cool.

-Taking three semesters to remember how the weird combination locks on the campus P.O. boxes work.

-Getting lost for a good 25 minutes on your first day of class in either Rankin or Katherine Harper. Bonus if it’s a hot day and the building does not have the A/C on and you walk into class sweating profusely from heat and panic.

-Feeling optimistic about your full email inbox but then realizing that they are all from ASUInfo.

-Walking past Sanford Mall and failing to catch and safely return a rogue Frisbee that comes flying towards you—even worse if your attempt to catch it does not succeed.

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!