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An Apology From Your Puppy-Loving Girlfriend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

There it is; that adorable, slobbering, happy, ball of fur just begging me to pet them.

I know I have places to be and things to do, but that can wait because I NEED to pet this dog!

Approaching this beautiful creature, petting the wiggly body, giving and receiving many kisses and cooing to it, my heart is full and my soul is at ease. Until I look over and see my patient, somewhat annoyed, boyfriend waiting for me because this is the 22nd dog I have pet in an hour…

I know that you don’t understand my love of puppies and it must be annoying, so this one is for all you patient boyfriends and girlfriends out there.

I’m sorry for talking to the dogs more than I talk to the owners. 

I’m sorry that when we are in public I squeal everytime I see a dog.

I’m sorry I overstep my boundries and touch the dogs before asking the owners.

I’m sorry that when you talk to me I get distracted because I’m searching for dogs to pet.

I’m sorry I always ask, “can we get 12?” 

I’m sorry I drag you with me to look at/pet/love on every dog in existance.

I know that I make it hard for you to go into public with me when there is a dog present, but I want you to know that I appreciate your patience and your tolerance for me; here’s to you!












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Jennifer is a senior Public Relations major with a minor in Sociology. When she isn't writing, Jennifer is involved with her sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta-Nu Alpha, is writing music, is making your favorite coffee, stopping every stranger on the street to pet their dogs, probably napping, and giving glory to The Lord for all of the opportunities she has been given.