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The 5 Types of Relatives on Facebook

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Our family members all have their own unique characteristics on Facebook, just like they each have their own very unique personalities. Not one family member is the same, but it seems that everyone has the same few types of aunts, grandparents or cousins.

The Oversharer

This is likely your relative that is new to Facebook, even though you’ve had a profile since 8th grade. This relative is so happy to join the bandwagon that he or she wants to tell the entire community about his or her day, every 30 minutes. Your grandmother went to the grocery store and it was out of her favorite brand of bread? Obviously this is enough of a disappointment for her to make it into a status. It is truly a travesty.

Nosy Nelly

The “Nosy Nelly” of the group, likely a concerned uncle or a gossipy aunt, will comment on every single picture of you with anyone of the male gender. “Who is he? Is he your boyfriend? You make a good couple.” If you ever write a status and they aren’t absolutely 100% sure what you mean or what your intent is, they will ask.

Your #1 Fan

This relative will like every single picture you have posted or every status update you have ever made. You feel the love. He or she, though likely an adoring mother or grandmother, will comment on every picture of you with “So beautiful. Miss you. Xoxo.” During finals week they’ll post on your wall, “I believe in you. Study hard and you will do great. You are an intelligent young woman.”

The Busy Bee

This relative will check in at every single location he or she goes to in a day. It’s literally as if they want it to make it impossible for anyone to question how this “Busy Bee” spent their day. Yes, you went to a U2 concert last night and that’s pretty sweet, I can dig Bono. Check in to your heart’s delight. You went to Harris Teeter and then the hair salon and then Target to buy your dog a different type of food? No thanks.

The Lovesick Cousin

Your 15-year-old cousin is just so totally in love with her new boyfriend. They’ve been dating for a month and a half and obviously they’re going to get married in ten years. If you see one more atrocious #MCM photo or a #TBT to their first date like… two weeks ago, you might vomit. They’re perfect for each other in every way and the world must know. 


