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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

5 Best Study Spots On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Take a deep breath. Collegiettes, finals are just around the corner (believe or not!) and it’s about that time to buckle down and finish the semester strong. Everyone knows that it’s nearly impossible to find a seat in the library during the weeks before exams, so we’ve dug up a few secret spots on campus where you can knock out your work without being bothered.

1. The fourth floor of the library

I know I mentioned avoiding Belk Library whenever possible during finals week, but the fourth floor is a hidden gem. It has multiple comfy chairs and a few spacious desks that allow you to speed through your next term paper.

2. The top floor of the solarium

Hate working at desks but want somewhere quiet to study? Take the stairs past McAlister’s to find a little balcony overlooking the Solarium. This is a hidden gem within the bustling Student Union, and the chairs are like clouds. I’m not kidding, they’re magical.

3. Whitewater Café

This room in Plemmons Student Union offers high top tables, computers, and calming music, creating a laid back environment perfect for homework. It’s also a great place to grab lunch or coffee with a friend.

4. East Hall Study Room

Even if you don’t live on campus, a majority of the residence halls offer spacious study rooms with enough desks and chairs for your whole study group. The one in East Hall tends to be quiet and empty, so it’s the perfect place for studying.

5. The Second Floor of Raley Hall

If the majority of your classes are in Raley, or even if they aren’t, this is a great place to get your work done. It’s usually quiet because of the offices surrounding the main lobby, and there are several tables and comfy chairs that offer you lots of space for all of your textbooks and supplies.

When campus seems to be filling up, your planner is overflowing with assignments and you have no place to go, try one of these!

I'm a junior Hospitality and Tourism Management major with a knack for writing. I can't get through the day without at least two cups of coffee and scrolling through my inspirational quotes pinboard.