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The 5 Best Netflix Marathoners

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

We all know that Netflix, above all else, is for binge-watching TV shows. These 5 shows are guaranteed to keep you and your computer in your bed for days…and nights. Sleeping is overrated, right?

Friday Night Lights

It feels like everyone is telling you to watch FNL and you have to keep brushing it off. You’re all “eh, football.” You think there is nothing about a fictional high school football team that appeals to you. You are wrong. You are wrong because TIM RIGGINS. The motto of the show should be “Clear eyes, full hearts, Tim Riggins.”  If nothing else, do it for Riggins. Fair warning, you will never feel more nostalgic for the high school glory days of Friday night football games, hangouts at diners, and teenage romance, even if you hated your high school.

One Tree Hill

Attractive people and exaggerated high school drama. Pair it with some ice cream and you’ll be done with all eight seasons in a week. You will finish the series madly in love with Nathan Scott and with a serious case of phantom friend syndrome. You’ll want to text Brooke about how much you miss everyone but then you’ll realize she’s a TV character… then you’ll be even more depressed than you were that the show is over.

How I Met Your Mother

You may have always wondered what all the hype is about. It’s a 30 minute sitcom about 5 people in a bar, right? It’s so much more than that. It’s a community. You will feel the sheer bliss of inclusion when you are finally able to join in the laughter of HIMYM inside jokes. When you can finish someone’s “Legen…wait for it….” or high five a fellow fan above your heads without looking. It is imperative that you start now so that you can be ready for the final season’s premier later this month, when we FINALLY get to know the Mother. Can I get an Amen?

Grey’s Anatomy

Disclaimer: your emotional well-being will be in question after you’ve begun on the journey that is Grey’s. The rollercoaster of Seattle Grace Hospital will have you hating and falling in love with more people than you ever thought was possible (even patients who were only in the show for one episode.) You will even have entirely loathed and absolutely fallen for the same character (cough cough, Karev.) Meredith’s opening and closing voice-overs will leave you philosophically satisfied and pondering the greater questions of life. Side note: your iTunes library will thank you for watching Grey’s Anatomy…quite possibly one of the greatest TV soundtracks there’s ever been.

Gossip Girl

We all like to dream we are beautiful New York socialites with millions to blow. No show can enable your fantasies more than Gossip Girl. Even if you’re too rational to pretend that you are a part of the Upper East Side, you will be addicted to the outrageously expensive and gorgeous wardrobe. Also, you can’t help but watch every episode just to see what happens with Chuck and Blair, who cares about Dan and Serena? Basically, the entire show feeds in to our grown-up princess dreams and it feels so good. XOXO, Gossip Girl.  

Lucky for you this weekend is bye week for the football team so you should have plenty of time to begin your newest TV show addiction!

Senior Marketing and Management major at App State.