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10 Songs That’ll Help You Wake Up and Be Productive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Ah, fall is here. It’s getting chilly outside, leaves are falling, and the sun is setting early, which means one thing: WE ARE SLEEPY. Gone are the days of productivity and long hours in the library, and here come the nights of pajamas, hot cocoa, and watching your favorite TV shows late into the night. When you have to be productive but need some help getting motivated, check out these ten songs that are sure to wake you up.

1. Len – “Steal my Sunshine”
Who doesn’t love delving into nostalgia by listening to nineties music? Check out this song to reminisce on your childhood and get you energized.

2. James Brown – “Get up”
It’s impossible to be sleepy when James Brown is coming through the speakers. Not only is he sure to get you energized, you may want to even get up and do a little bit of dancing!

3. Snoop Dog and Wiz Khalifa – Young, Wild & Free
This song never gets old. When fall has left you tired and fully prepared to skip your homework, listening to this song will definitely wake you back up!

4. R Kelly – “Ignition (Remix)”
I can remember listening to this song at my sixth grade dance. It was an upbeat song then and is still fun to listen to ten years later. When you’re ready to jam out to some old favorites that will wake you up, this song should be at the top of your list.

5. King Harvest – “Dancing in the Moonlight”
“Dancing in the Moonlight” is a favorite for most girls everywhere. With its’ upbeat melody and happy-go-lucky lyrics, you’re sure to be awake and working in no time.

6. Lady Gaga – “LoveGame”
What kind of list would this be if I didn’t mention Lady Gaga? Our nation’s current queen of pop is known for her unique music and inventive sounds. When you need a pick me up, she won’t disappoint.

7. Shakira – “Waka Waka”
Nothing will make you energized like a little bit of Shakira’s music. Embrace your love for Latin pop and check out this song. Side note – the music video has tons of cute professional soccer players in it. Just saying.

8. Barenaked Ladies – “One Week”
Again, who doesn’t love the 90s? Without a doubt, this song will definitely wake you up when you have homework to finish.

9. Willow – “Whip my Hair”

Oh, come on, you know you’ve rocked out to this song at least once. Nothing will get your energy flowing like a little bit of Willow Smith blowing through your speakers!

10. The Ting Tings – “That’s Not My Name”
It’s impossible not to like this song. The Ting Tings always produce high energy music and are sure to get you to wake up on a lazy day.

Okay, readers, we can’t avoid it any longer. Get out of bed, create a playlist and be productive so you can enjoy the beautiful weather!

Do you have any songs that help your productivity? We want to know! Share them on our Facebook wall or tweet us with the hashtag #WakeUpHCAppState!

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!