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10 Reasons Why Technology Isn’t Ruining Our Lives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

The facts are obvious and sometimes insulting: Our generation is commonly known to demand immediacy with each and everything in our lives. We have sped up dating, shopping, banking, job hunting, school work, and countless other aspects of our everyday world. Truth be told, we are spoiled. Accustomed to a world of instant gratification and countless sources of information at our fingertips, it is hard not to become lazy as a consequence of the technological advances we have seen in our lifetime. However, technology isn’t all bad. Other than the arguments for video games sparking adolescent violence and the dangers of online bullying, we live in a society that has given us a multitude of advantages. No, the college student’s ability to check their Facebook at any waking moment of the day is not one of these advantages.

However, looking past the menial, time-wasting sites, there can be a lot of good found in the far-reaching corners of our technological world.

1. The technology and networking we have today has allowed us to establish the App State Alert system. Campuses are becoming safer and more aware, equipping themselves with the means to communicate with an entire student body in case of an emergency.

2. Online banking and apps that facilitate budget friendly living have become an essential part of college students learning how to manage money. There are countless apps with the sole purpose of saving you money, like Gas Buddy, which shows all of the gas prices in your immediate area so you can fill up for the least amount of money.

3. Skype and other video networking programs have been saviors for the countless college students that find themselves across the state (or further) from family and friends. During a time of such radical transition, sometimes seeing your mom make the dog wave to the camera can cheer you up infinitely more than a routine phone call.

4. Ok, so this may be a stretch when it comes to our definition of modern technology, but: alarm clocks. Need I say more?

5. Productivity sites like Doodle have revolutionized the world of scheduling group meetings. Create an event, send the link to all those involved, and they can each write in their open time in a way that allows the entire group to see where the common availability is.


6. Try to imagine a time when a run at the gym was not facilitated by your newest playlist. For those of us that struggle to find motivation during a work-out, an awesome soundtrack is crucial to find that drive to push harder. Even better: the fact that we can all listen to our own music, at the same time, without having to hear the song choices of the person next to us.

7. As much as we find to complain about it, ASULearn has become my favorite way to turn in a paper. Finishing your last big essay of the semester, and not having to get out of bed to turn it in? Fine by me.

8. Online shipment tracking is incredibly useful if you’re usually busy until 5 every day, helping you check the status of your package and plan accordingly as your busy day unfolds.

9. Flash drives. The golden snitch of all school supplies.

10. Without the internet playing such a heavy role in our lives, Her Campus may not exist, much less on ASU’s campus. And without HC App State, we may never have interviewed some of the hottest guys that roam our beautiful Boone campus

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!