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Slow Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.


Today was a slow day. It felt like a storm was over and the sky had begun to clear out. The clouds, of course, would still be there to cover up all but a few rays of sunshine. The air would remain chilly. The promise of weekly drizzles remain.


I had gone through most of the rations of homemade food my parents brought with them for Family Weekend. I had soup with goji berries, longan fruit and worm grass (sounds bad, but actually tastes good). More soup with veggies. Dumplings stuffed with small, diced cubes of taro. Sticky rice mixed with mushroom, sausage, dried scallops and a bunch other goodies. Congee composed of rice cooked to the point that it disintegrated and became a creamy soup studded with pork bits and preserved egg. These are not foods that I particularly love, but the fact that I cannot eat this food whenever I want makes each bite a precious experience.


Now that I think about it, it is now November and I have not drunk a drop of alcohol at Amherst yet. I’m still not feeling pressured to drink (or do non-alcoholic drugs), even though the option is always there. I’ve fared well on the whole “substance-free Friday,” but I wonder if it would have been a different experience if I were not in a sub-free dorm.  Hmm…. in general, probably not.


I went to the DASAC Fall Show and the dancers were impressive. My floormate Kerwin breakdanced in one of the dance routines. The choreography was well thought-out and it seems inevitable that Gangnam Style appears in every performance in one way or another. 


Since I am basically nocturnal, I started the night (or Saturday morning, to be more accurate) with The Big Bang Theory and two creepier-than-usual episodes of Criminal Minds. Weekends… we need more of those.