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My Semester Abroad: Prague Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.


NEW SQUID IN TOWNAhoj!! That’s czech for “yoyoyo wassssssup!” My czech is limited to hello and thank you right now but improvements will be made, starting tomorrow when I begin the intensive czech language class. Real classes start in a week I think, idk school is hard. So far I have spent a ridiculous amount of time away from my bed which is just absolutely unacceptable. Here, sleep is less of a necessity and more of a once in a lifetime opportunity. Each day we have done something different- our orientation events have been dull, but i’ve learned that if you come to prague with a stuffy nose everyone assumes you’re into cocaine and won’t be friends with you (a story told to us during orientation in an attempt to be an active bystander? the language barrier may have slightly altered the story, but main message definitely got across). I’ve attached pictures of my school building- it’s amazing so I’m really going to struggle to keep myself away……. Other than orientation I’ve spent my days with friends walking around and exploring and appreciating how inexpensive everything is. My dislike for beer means I’m spending 85 CZK for drinks rather than 45 CZK… basically i spend a little over $3 as opposed to $2. As you can see, life is hard here. The night life in Prague is like no other. We go to bars and clubs and destroy dance floors in attempts to prove that the United States isn’t just a place for people like Trump but also a place for people like me (really good dancers). There are different clubs and bars to go to each night and it’s really just rather exhausting. Fun, but exhausting. Having this many boys from Amherst here with me has shown me that you can take the boy out of the ‘Herst but you can’t take the ‘Herst out of the boy- aka yes they all are still wearing their AMS quarter zips out to “parties” except for Rohan (this is a slight exaggeration but actually jackson went out repping our mascot-less school).  

Amherst College Senior, Amherst, MA. Member of Amherst Women's Varsity ice hockey team. Hometown is Washington, D.C