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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.

Public service announcement!!!! (drumroll please). . . . . . . . . . .  WINTER IS COMING. I know, it’s hard to come to terms with and I always try to stay in denial as long as possible. But every late October/beginning of November it becomes apparent: winter is coming. This means that temperatures will drop, your motivation to go outside for any reason will be at an all time low, and leaving your room is not something you even want to think about. Hibernation sound more and more logical and desirable by the day. Here are 5 tips to make your room during this Amherst East Coast winter a little less dreadful and a little more bearable:


Surround yourself with the people you love  

 This photo collage was easy and cheap: order prints online from CVS and put them up using mounting putty. I find that when my room is cute I don’t think about it being -10 degrees outside nearly as often. 


 Cozy socks, because duh. . . cozy socks  


You can’t forget the twinkly lights!  


I love my lights and they give my room a cozier feel. Plus you can take hipster photos of them if you are looking for a new mode of procrastination while you put off walking to Val in a snowstorm.


 Comfy, soft blankets are a must  

I have always been a fan of fuzzy blankets, but I think this one is my favorite. I got it at Target before school started and it hung out at the end of my bed for weeks because it was blistering hot, but now I don’t go a night without it! (Doesn’t this photo just make you want to be a blanket burrito?)


Talk to people!  

Real talk: winter can be isolating. So this means that when it gets cold and sad outside, it is especially important to keep in touch with your family and friends from back home. I try to Facetime with most of my family members at least once a week, and this helps me stay connected. And better yet, I get to talk to them from the comfort of my cozy room!


With winter soon approaching, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that your room can provide a safe-haven from the soon to be icy tundra of Amherst. 

Amherst College Freshman who loves photography, cats, the outdoors, and all things pink.
Carina Corbin graduated from Amherst College in 2017 and started writing for Her Campus during her first year. She was a Computer Science and Asian Languages & Civilizations double major that still loves to learn languages, write short stories, eat great food and travel. She wrote for Her Campus Amherst for four years and was Campus Correspondent for 3.5 years. She enjoyed interviewing Campus Profiles and writing content that connected with the Amherst community.