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Your AU Schools as TV Shows

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

College of Arts & Sciences

America’s Got Talent

CAS is home to the widest variety of students you can think of—from budding preforming artists, mathematicians, to the next big surgeons. This hidden gem houses the most diverse group of students academically. And don’t let the small student body fool you—the small group houses a large amount of talent.

Kogod School of Business

Shark Tank

Don’t be surprised if you see one of these business-savvy students with their own patent or start-up in a few years. The future business owners of this school know how to sweet-talk professors and will give you a run for your money.

School of Communication

The Hills

SOC is home to the newly renovated McKinley building, a favorite study spot among people of all majors. The lavish modern architecture grabs the attention of students, but it is not enough to constitute a major-change. SOC is a guilty pleasure. No one wants to admit it, but they secretly wish the McKinely building and SOC was their school.

School of International Service

Burn Notice

Students from SIS hail from multiple countries, speaking a variety of languages. The die-hard SIS majors will do anything to talk the school up, and students from other schools are a little confused as to what comes next after graduation for SIS majors. These adventurous students always keep you guessing.

School of Public Affairs


Olivia Pope’s got nothing on the political-savvy students in SPA. As the most politically active school, students here walk with determination, whether it be to their internship or studying in the lobby for exams.

Washington College of Law

How to Get Away with Murder

You can tell these students apart in a second. They walk with an air of maturity and sophistication. Annalise Keating would fit right in. It’s only fitting that WCL was the first law school to be founded by a woman and the first with a female dean. If you need help with a crime, you know who to go to.

ABC Family

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Born in Peoria, Illinois, Taylor is an International Studies major at American University in Washington, D.C.. She  has a passion for fashion, style, and beauty writing, and she hopes to occassionally bring the political dynamic of D.C. into her articles.