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William McNamara ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: William McNamara

Age: 18

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Washington, DC

Relationshp status: Single

Major: Law and Society

Dream job: Disney villian

Hobbies/interests: Cupcakes, fashion, world domination, and puppies

Guilty pleasure(s): Antonin Scalia and Taylor Swiftt

Pet peeve(s): Tourists 

Describe your dream date: Any date where Logan Billman can tag along as a third wheel

Favorite movie(s): Pat Kelly’s Good Morning AU broadcast

If you were an animal, what would you be? A honey badger

Bucket list: I usually prefer Home Depot five gallon orange buckets but I suppose any will do

Future plans: Cure cancer, marry Justice Ginsburg, found a city-state, and finish my term paper (not necessarily in that order)