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What Your Favorite Emoticon Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

We’re all guilty.

Well, us with access to emoticons at least. For those who don’t have them, sorry for all the weird symbols you receive when we try to send our thoughts with photos of crying smiley faces. Sometimes, conversations are made based off of these strange and super unnecessary images, but let’s be real, it sure does make things interesting. I recently got to thinking that I use one particular emoji almost in every conversation. What does that say about me as a person? I decided to do a little research since obviously it’s a life altering topic. If you ever wondered the same thing, here are some takes on what your most used emoji says about you: 

The Wine Glass: You are classic. You are classy. You are exactly what I want after a long day. Basically, you have life figured out and the best partner by your side: that wonderful glass of wine if you’re of legal age. Yeah, you like to have fun and live it up, but you are a chill person that has it all set.

Dancing Twins or Bunny-Eared Girls (?): Miss Fashionista ova hur. You rock any look you wear and are on the cutting edge of the latest trends always. So much so, that you have other girls trying to look like you (and following you around). GO YOU!

The Bitch Please – Or is it the “I can’t even?”: When words aren’t enough, this sucker right here is literally the best substitute. Mad at your friends? Use her. Trying to be sassy? Use her. Don’t really know what you’re feeling but need to say something in the group chat? Use her. She is the epitome of everything any girl could ever want, all in one very unflattering purple shirt.

The Flexing Bicep aka The Muscle Arm: You are a STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN. You don’t need no man, (insert “bitch please” emoji). You’re athletic, smart, strong and all that. Maybe you are a gym freak and a fitness addict, or maybe some guy just broke your friend’s heart and now you’re on your way to beat him up. You are the strong friend and the one that everyone looks to for support.

The Pile of Poop with Eyes: The gross one. Or maybe just always trying to make light of a shitty situation. HA, either way, you are the funny one, and you never take things too seriously! But, when there is a serious situation you insert this little guy right in the conversation and make everyone laugh.

The Smirk: You’re devious, sly, outgoing and maybe even a little of a dirty mind, you are a bit of a mastermind. You take control of situations and never are a backstage act because you’re too busy being center stage with whatever sneaky plan you’ve just created. Maybe you’ll take on the world, or make everyone else super uncomfortable. Who knows? 

The Princess: QUEEN BEE RIGHT HERE. Entitled? Maybe. Awesome and everyone should bow down? MOST DEFINTELY. And all this just because you’re a princess.

The Pizza Slice: Basically, you’re the best person ever. If this emoticon is in your most recent, or what you use to just describe your feelings on a daily basis, you should be my friend. Pizza is my life, and your life is one that’s chill, laidback, and full of cheesy goodness.

The Salsa Girl: OWN IT. WERK. Or twerk. But whatever you are doing, you are just doing you, girl. You make your own choices without any external influence and whatever decision you make you do it with some flare. ¡OLE!

The Heart Eyed Smiley Face: You are overwhelmingly positive about everything. You just want love, and to be loved, and you don’t think that any situation can really be that bad. You are a cuddler, a hugger, and most importantly, the voice of reason when your friends are down in the dumps.

The Tropical Drink: Sorry, but you’re a little bit more fun than Ms. Wine up there. It’s always party time in your mind and everyone loves to be around you. Maybe you’re the one making the amazing drinks, or you’re the one buying them for everyone, or you’re just so loud everyone needs to see what the deal is and that you’re the life of the party. And the party, for you at least, never stops.

The Moon Face: Props to you for being the cool, calm, and always the neutral friend. There are no fights, no arguments, and no team project you can’t endure by finding the good in every situation. You’re the rock of your friend group, and sure maybe you are a little shy at times, but you will always be there for anyone you love. 

What you’re favorite emoji? Comment below!

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