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The Types of People You See During Quadding Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

It’s Spring at AU, meaning that the Quad has become the place to be. Students congregate there during sunny afternoons, sitting for hours socializing and doing the minimum amount of work possible. Here are some of the types of people you’ll encounter during quadding season.

1. The Frat Stars

Everyone knows these guys, because they are the eye candy of the Quad. Half the time, they have their shirts off, most pretending that this is not on purpose, and they are the few who never sit down (most likely to display those abs). They’ll stay out on the Quad longer than anyone, and be the first back the next day. They’ll also likely be the most sunburned.

2. Sorority Girls

If you look around the Quad and see a group exclusively of girls that numbers more than five, they are almost certainly a group of sorority girls. They will have the best blankets on the Quad and will be hands down the loudest people in the area. Sorry in advance. 

3. The Frisbee/Football Players

No matter what time of day there will be a few people slinging a football or a Frisbee back and forth. It’s great for them, but for anyone else in their immediate vicinity, the day quickly becomes a game of dodging flying objects while trying not to get hit in the face.

4. The Tour Groups

Spring is also the season when college admissions decisions come out, and as a result, tours are running four instead of two times a day. It’s a normal sight to see tour guides in red polos walking down the quad, leading slightly scared looking high schoolers and their parents through the crowds on the Quad. It’s entertaining to scream at the tour groups, but maybe don’t. Wait until they’re students here next year. 

5. The Tanners

While the Frat Stars would normally be the most confident on the Quad, this title really goes to these bikini-clad students trying to get a summer-glow after months of sickly pale skin. Laying out in a bathing suit in front of the majority of the student body takes guts, and I salute these brave souls…even as I will and continue to make fun of them for it.

6. The Slack Liners

No matter how many times we’ve seen these kids inexplicably walk across that two-inch wide suspended line every time someone new attempts it. All heads turn to watch. They’re amazing, plain and simple, and we all want to learn their secret to perfect balance.

7. The Good Students

These kids manage to combine the best of both worlds, doing their work while enjoying the Spring weather. Their heroic battle against Eagle Secure puts the rest of us to shame, while also inspiring a little bit of pity that they prioritize work over fun.

8. The Drunk Kids

It’s part of the tradition of quadding. We all do it at some point. Cheers.

Happy Quadding Season, everyone!


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Maggie is a senior at American University studying Broadcast Journalism and International Relations. In addition to writing for Her Campus as both a featured writer and a section editor, Maggie is also involved in Greek life, an American University Ambassador, and is currently interning in the newsroom at Voice of America. When Maggie is not writing, she can be found obsessively reading Buzzfeed, going back through study abroad photos from London, and dreaming about Baked and Wired cupcakes. After graduation, Maggie hopes to work as a correspondent in Europe, and use this as an excuse to travel the world as much as possible.