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Top 5 experiences every AU girl can understand: in GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

There are many experiences we AU ladies (and gentlemen) have during our time on campus. Here’s a list of what I thought were a good top 5: 

1) Finding out for the first time the school is 60% girls:

2) Getting to the Dav with what you think is enough time to get a drink before class only to find everyone else on campus had the same thought

3) Arriving to TDR only to find it inexplicably overrun with middle/high school students: 

4) When you found out it was going to snow this past Tuesday even though it was March 25th… will this winter just ever end??:

5) And finally: when people from other schools in DC tell you that AU “isn’t really in DC because it’s so close Maryland”: 

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Senior at American University, lover of all things: fashion, fun, and entertaining