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Top 5 Apps for Fashionistas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Fashionistas, whether self-proclaimed or not, are always looking for new ways to update their style. We scour sites such as Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram for new trends and inspirations for our next outfit. However, there is a whole other world out there for us to explore and it can be found in the palm of our hands…literally! Below are the top 5 apps that every fashionista needs on her phone or tablet. 

5. Pose. Follow some of the biggest names in the fashion industry as they pose in their favorite outfits and accessories. You can create collections of your favorite styles and save items that you want to purchase.

4. Etsy. This is the app for all those looking for something unique and one-of-a-kind. Etsy offers thousands of handmade and custom goods including jewelry, clothing, nick-nacks, and furniture. 


3. Fashism. If you’ve ever needed a second opinion on an outfit but there was no one around to help then you’ll love Fashism! Users post photos and you get to decide whether you “Love It” or “Hate It.” Now, you will never be without a helping hand when doing some solo-shopping. 


2. Stylebook. Growing up in the 90’s, who could forget Cher from Clueless’ amazing closet with its coodinated outfit app. With Stylebook you can keep track of all your clothes and put together outfits without ever opening any drawers!



1. Wanelo. The name says it all with this one, a combination of want, need, and love. Wanelo is similar to Pinterest except each “pin” links to the website that sells the product. You can search for specific items or hashtags and create lists of products that you want, need, AND love! Wanelo is the go-to app when looking for awesome new clothing pieces and accessories. 


Photo Credits:

Cover Photo Pose Etsy Fashism Stylebook Wanelo