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Surviving the Holidays with Your Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Spending the holidays with your extended family can be tough. You have aunts and uncles who want to know every detail about your life, grandmothers who can’t stop hugging you or pinching your cheeks, and little cousins running around constantly trying to get your attention. Everyone loves spending time with their families and celebrating the holidays, but sometimes it can get overwhelming. Don’t worry, we’ve got everything you need to take a few steps back and enjoy the holidays with your family without going crazy! Here are some tips to have the best stress-free holiday ever! 

1. Breathe 

Seems pretty simple, right? Well, most people forget to do this. The never-ending commotion of relatives can be overwhelming, so take a few steps back, clear your mind and breathe. Practice those yoga and pilates poses for a few minutes before socializing with relatives to clam you down. 

2. Be Flexible 

Not everything is going to go the way you want it to, and the sooner you realize that the better your holiday celebrations will be. Try not to have a set plan in place because let’s be honest, it’s more than likely not going to go that way 100 percent. Be willing to compromise and go with the flow. It will make you happier and your family as well. 

3. Laugh 

Think about it: between your crazy aunts and uncles to your over protective and conservative grandmother, you must have something to laugh about. Whether it is something your uncle does or a comment your little cousin makes, there will be something to laugh about. 

4. Take a Break

When things get overwhelming, take a step back, retreat to a private place and take some time for yourself. You’re not expected to be social 24/7, so take a little break to call one of your friends and compare how their holiday is going. 

5. Have Fun

The holidays only come once a year, so enjoy it! Maybe everything is not going the way you want it to or maybe you don’t get along with some of your realitves, but that doesn’t mean your holidays should be ruined! Find something to celebrate, eat lots of food, be thankful for what you have and enjoy the time you get to spend with the people you love. 


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Taylor Dickey is a Sophomore at The Florida State University who is majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Hospitality Management. She hopes to work in the Fashion and/or Entertainment industry one day as a Public Relations Manager for a designer, an Art Director for a brand, or a Fashion Event Planner. She is interested and well-versed in Marketing & Communications, Social Media, Event Planning, Brand Management, and Graphic Design. Originally from Houston, Texas, Taylor loves fashion, baking, laughing, the beach, and doing anything creative. She dreams big, loves with all her heart, and has an obsession with Pinterest.