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Style on a Poor Girl’s Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

We all want the hottest looks this fall: big sweaters, boots, and leggings. But how much are we willing to pay for the latest looks? Our online shopping carts can rack up as quickly as our bills- real high, real fast! But be relieved, there is a smarter way to shop this season.

Sometimes it is nice to have an overpriced sweater, but if you could get a nearly identical sweater for less than half the price, what is stopping you? To some of us, that is obvious: the brand! But how many of us can tell the difference between a Dolce and Gabbana and a department store brand? 


As college going girls, we are fixated on having the latest trends when they first appear on the most stylish shelves. For some reason, style and high prices seem to go hand in hand.

You tell us; which one of the sweaters costs $1,525 and which one costs $36.99?

You are guessing, aren’t you? Well to satisfy your fashion hungry mind, I’ll let you in on the secret: the sweater shown first is the expensive article of clothing and the sweater that appears next costs less than $40.

So if you smart shoppers have been shopping on the discount racks for years, kudos! You are doing something right. As for my label lovers, there is nothing wrong with craving a little designer, if you can afford it. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a little extra cash in our knock off, yet just as fashionable, handbags! 


Photo Credit:

http://image.romwe.com/images/product15/NCSWC0021/NCSWC0021.jpg (right)

http://cdn.yoox.biz/39/39379787kr_13_f.jpg?black (left)