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So You’re Undeclared

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

When I tell people that I’m undeclared, usually their replies are just short of comedic.  

“And that’s perfectly okay!”

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“You’ll figure it out.” *awkwardly pats me on the back*

I know! I will figure it out.  And I’m not that worried about it. 

I try to put myself into others’ shoes when I answer the dreaded question: “What’s your major?”  What throws them so off guard about my answer?  Sometimes I think it hinges on my delivery.  Some days I’ll speak the word with an air of mystery, letting my partner in conversation know that they don’t know me, fool!  Other times, many times, maybe all the time, I’ll deliver it in such a way that I may as well be flailing my arms and screaming “I’m an indecisive mess! Don’t look at me! I live in a trashcan!”

I don’t live in a trashcan.  But I do live in a perpetual state of confusion.  Why is it so hard to be undeclared these days?  As a second semester freshman I’ve met so many different and interesting people with varying majors to match.  There are students pursuing the arts, those taking a more straight-lined, professional route, those with double majors and double minors and some majoring in things I can’t even begin to understand (shout out to math majors.) But I rarely meet any undeclared majors. In fact, I don’t think I can even call one to mind that I’ve met thus far at my time at AU.  Reveal yourselves, my friends!

From my own experience, being undeclared is a little bit like living in purgatory.  But in a good way.  You’re not tied down, you have room to take different classes that spark your different interests that could help you figure out exactly what you want to do when you graduate college, and it’s also a great use of your time while you’re getting your general education classes out of the way.  It shouldn’t be such a burden to be undeclared.  Personally, I think everyone should be undeclared coming into college.

Being undeclared can also be pretty stressful. I’m constantly bombarded with fears of wasting time on classes that won’t be required for my eventual major, and the adverse fear that I’ll miss out on something great if I declare too early. I fear the possibility of finally realizing my “calling” too late in my college career and having little time to pursue a dream, and I fear following my dreams and declaring a certain major and not having that dream come into fruition later in life.  But these woes and confusing questions come with the package of pursuing a college degree.  And if you’re having trouble determining what you want to major in, try not to worry! There are helpful tips and resources everywhere.

I have ideas, motivations, and dreams just like all of the declared folk.  I just don’t think I’m ready to commit to the one concrete thing I’ll be taking away from my college experience. And when the time comes to buckle down and decide, I will.  I love the academic side of college, and I can’t wait to major in something that I’m truly excited about, something that I can praise and complain about to my family and friends.  I can’t wait to have something to really pursue.  But for the time being, I think I will enjoy my time floating through purgatory. 

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