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Serendipitous Brunch: Serendipity 3 Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

I’ll be the first to admit that there are very few instances when I am willing to get up before noon on a Sunday. Most often, I roll my eyes at my alarm clock, switch it off and in a moment of sheer bliss, I will go back to sleep. However, this Sunday was different. Not only did I not abuse my snooze button, but I leaped out of bed and ran to the shower.  What could get a nineteen-year-old girl this excited? Brunch.

I am not sure why brunch has such a special place in my heart. Reasonably, there is nothing too spectacular about breakfast, and lunch is iffy at best, but combine the two and you are in for a treat.

Joined by my friend, and fellow Her Campus American Staff member Emily Arnold, I scoured Georgetown looking for the ideal brunch spot. We approached four restaurants and vetoed them for a number of reasons: too expensive, too cramped, and too long of a wait. Finally we arrived at Serendipity 3.

Serendipity 3 is a female college student’s best friend. It merges the kitschy pink decor with an upscale atmosphere and a puny menu. I had been to Serenity 3 once before for dinner and had been impressed, but it was not until I had their brunch that I found out we were really cookin’.

Known best for their signature “Frozzzzen Hot Chocolate,” I was pleased to see that their chicken and waffles recipe did not disappoint. Emily ate so much of her Chocolate Banana Waffles that I wasn’t the only one doubled over walking back to the bus stop. However, we could not let our already cramped stomach miss out on having a “Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate.” The icy concoction was blended hot chocolate over ice with crushed peanuts and peanut butter. Believe me, it was well worth the numerous brain freezes and countless calories consumed.

While the wait staff was slow and arrogant, our meals, and the Instagrams that followed, were big hits.

I cannot wait for my next brunch outing, especially if it is at Serendipity 3.