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Sarah Graham ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Sarah Graham

Hometown: New York, New York 

Major: Business Administration with a specialization in Entrepreneurship and Marketing 

Favorite food: Anything with cheese

Three favorite places to go in DC: Steak & Egg, The Zoo (for Bao Bao, duh), Adams Morgan/TRYST (holla at me if you ever wanna go)

Favorite movie: Currently, Big Hero 6 (I cried)

Dream job: Restaurateur 

Favorite TV show: The Mindy Project AND Fresh off the Boat

Favorite type of music: Top 40

Best spot on AU’s campus: TBH TDR…also my bed

Best date with Tom: Watching the sunrise over the mall and eating ham croissants

Most embarrassing moment: Farting during camp assembly—with no way out…

Pet peeves: When food takes too long and when people are disrespectful

Three things you can’t live without: My blazers/jackets, mac and cheese, Buzzfeed

Best college memory so far: AU spring ’14 HOLI on the quad

In 10 years I’ll be: Makin’ bank and looking like a badass in my business suit 

Public Relations major with minors in Marketing and International Relations. Studying in our lovely Nation's Capital.