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Ron Paul at AU Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

For starters, who knew Ron Paul looked like the cutest grandpa ever? Between his accent, demeanor and size, who would not want him as a relative? Another surprise, I had absolutely no idea that Ron Paul was an OBGYN and had delivered more then 4,000 babies into this world. But to be honest, I was nervous going to the Ron Paul event. Being at such a liberal school, I was afraid the audience may get a little out of hand. But to my surprise, the audience was huge. There were Ron Paul supporters everywhere. Ron Paul, for those of you who do not know, is a libertarian. His policies seemed great: legalize all drugs and people should be smart enough to make their own decisions, etc. He has a hands-off approach to pretty much everything. He believes that people should be in charge of their well-being and make choices for themselves. To me, it all seems great and I clapped along with the audience at some points too, but it seemed to be a little off at times. Haven’t we tried this before? Why is there even a constitution if everyone was acting ‘good’ like Ron Paul expected. The thing is, people are not always great at making their own decisions on certain things and especially regarding economics. There are laws on laissez-faire economics for a reason. It did not work before and not much has changed in the aspect of self-gain and capitalism. At the end of the day, some people are not what Ron Paul thinks most people are, which is “good.” His policies sound like they would benefit some people, and not for the greater good of the rest of the people that his policies would leave out. Ron Paul should keep doing what he is doing. And to see my fairy-tale grandpa get a huge grin when hundreds of college students applauded in agreement was priceless. No matter what policies, he is having people think outside of the societal norm box and inspiring others. 


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I am a sophomore at American University, a recent transfer from Ole Miss. I am from St. Louis, MO.