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Reminders for Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Midterms are coming up, and you probably have more work piled on your desk than you’re willing to admit or think about. But don’t freak out, especially all you freshmen. Midterms aren’t nearly as scary as they seem if you approach them correctly. There are a lot of things you can do to make it through midterms smoothly. Here are some simple things to remember for when you suddenly find yourself facing midterm tests, papers and projects.

Remember that staying on track and not leaving things for the last minute is key. Cliché and obvious as it is, it’s the best way to remain stress-free during midterms. Do a little work on a project or project every day and split up studying for a test over the course of a week. You’re much more likely to retain information that way than cramming the night before.

Make lists. This really works. It helps to visualize everything that needs to get done and breaks it down into manageable parts. Use post-its to write yourself reminders. You’re bound to forget something in a week of craziness.

Stay active! Nothing keeps you stressed and unproductive more than being lazy. Go to the gym for even just a half hour to burn off stress and keep you moving. It can be a great use of your time in between periods of studying.

Listen to music to de-stress. Put earbuds in and tune out the world. Put on your favorite jams and give yourself time to relax.

Deactivate your Facebook. A lot of people suddenly disappear on Facebook during midterms or finals, so if it’s going to be a serious distraction to you, you may want to consider staying off for a couple days or a week. You’ll survive.

But of course, there are going to be moments of procrastination no matter how hard you try. No one can avoid it. So if you’re going to procrastinate, here are some awesome websites to help you out. Everyone has heard of Buzzfeed obviously. I Waste So Much Time is also a great one full of random, funny and interesting posts. Thought Catalog gives you thought-provoking articles to ponder while not doing work. And last but not least, Her Campus definitely has your back on this one.

Keep in mind that it marks the midway point of the semester! Time has really flown by. Keep at it, and it will be May before you know it. You can do it!


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My name is Gabby, I'm a sophomore at American University and I'm majoring in Communication Studies.