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Rachel Silver ’16: Bringing Education to All

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Rachel Silver is a sophomore student in Kogod pursuing a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and minors in Psychology and Math! When she’s not crazy busy being a dedicated student, she’s busy trying to provide others with the same opportunity to receive a quality education.

HCXO: What activities and organizations are you involved in on campus?

RS: I’m a sister of Phi Sigma Sigma and a member of the Kogod Marketing Association!

HCXO: I hear you’re the new Campus Rep of One Bead, Congrats! What exactly is One Bead?

RS: One Bead is a non-profit organization that helps promote education in East Africa through the sale of handmade, recycled glass beads. All beads are made at Kitengela Hot Glass in Kenya out of recycled window glass. Currently all proceeds go to helping the Oloosirkon Primary School in Kenya. Past projects have included providing water and electricity to the school as well as building a 923-meter around the school. Currently One Bead has a leadership program in the United States called One Life that teaches children they can be leaders at any stage in their life.

HCXO: What an incredible organization, how did you become involved with One Bead?

RS: A girl I know from my high school founded this organization. She was a senior when I was a freshman in high school, and I was inspired to get involved! I have seen what this organization has done and I am so excited to be a part of helping children get an education.

HCXO: What should AU students who want to purchase a bead do?

RS: If you want to buy a bracelet you can message me on Facebook, or email me at rs7558a@student.american.edu. I also keep bracelets in my backpack at all times! Bracelets are $12 and it only costs $2 to make them. All of the money goes straight to the school, or into the production of more beads.

HCXO: What are your hopes for the future of One Bead at AU?

RS: I am hoping that I can help to raise awareness for the cause. It is so important for children everywhere to have access to education to build a better future.