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Quick Take: 99 Words for Men’s Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Here’s this week’s in case you missed it…

Men’s Health published an article on October 6th on how to talk to women about sports. The original piece was taken down from their site, and the tweets about the article with the link were deleted. The original text is reposted in this Washington Post article.

Hey, Men’s Health? It’s Erin. First of all, I’m a woman. Secondly, I like sports! Are you shocked by that? Shoot, already at twenty one words. Gotta keep this short. Somehow, the culture of sexism in sports and sports media continues to persist. Somehow, women are still defending their love of the game and their right to participate in the conversation. The outrage about your ill-timed, poorly executed piece is justified. Sure, not all women like sports. Not all men like sports, either! Can we stop perpetuating stereotypes and just let those who watch sports talk about them together?

Do you think Men’s Health should have removed the article and tweet? Do you think sports organizations need to better market to women? Comment below!

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Erin Vail


Erin is a senior Communication Studies major at American University. The loves of her life include sports, TV, and food.