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Phil Tschepik ’17: President of the American Fashion Society

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Phil Tschepik is a 20-year-old American University sophomore from Doylestown, Pa. with a passion for fashion. He is the president of American University’s newly founded American Fashion Society.

Her Campus American University: Tell us a little about yourself.

Phil Tschepik: I’m a sophomore, BLC for German major. I’ve always been interested in fashion so that’s kind of how we got this club started. I was at a general interest meeting for fashion business classes and then we decided to start a club, and they were like okay, who wants to lead it? And that was me.

HCAU: Tell us about The American Fashion Society.

PT: It’s basically just bringing people together because we have a strong fashion presence on campus, a lot of people are interested in it, but people don’t know where to take it. We have an Instagram, a Tumblr, a Twitter, and a Facebook page. We are going to start throwing events like panels with people from the industry, workshops and one of our e-board member’s sister owns a make up line so she is going to come in and do stuff. We also have an end of the year fashion show, it is going to be a fund raiser for the Yellow Ribbon Fund with student models and hopefully student designers.

HCAU: How can other fashion enthusiasts learn more about your club?

PT: Our email is the best way to reach out. We have committees, three sub-committees, that people can join if they want more of a role. Our e-board is filled for now, so committees are a great way to help out, if you want to do more than just be a general member.

HCAU: What are your goals for the club in the future?

PT: We want to expand the club, we have about 60 or 70 general members that are signed up for it. So we want to get all of those members involved, have a fashion show every year, and do a lot more events with panels since we are only a couple of weeks old it is hard to get that all set up.

HCAU: When did fashion become important to you?

PT: I’ve always been interested in it. When I got to college I really started getting into it.

HCAU: Who is your fashion role model?

PT: That’s actually really hard, it probably would have to be Bill Cunningham. He has a Tumblr that shows this collage of all these cool signs and trends that are going on. I’m just inspired by couture designers like Elie Saab and really the whole industry is just an inspiration.


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