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Perfect Day: Win a Blackberry & Spend Time with Your Favorite Celebrity!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

We’ve all  seen them: typing away furiously, pulling it out of their purse every other minute. I’m talking, of course, about Blackberries. Maybe you count yourself among the “Crackberry” addicts, or you’re the girl counting the days down until your cell gets an upgrade and you can enter the world of the Blackberry. You might not have to wait until your next upgrade! 

Enter the BBM Challenge to win a Blackberry and spend the day with a celebrity! Sounds great, right? It gets better! 

You plus three of your friends will receive a Blackberry, which you’ll use to compete in challenges to win an all-expenses paid trip to spend a day with a member of the BBM Challenge Council. Members of the council include Whitney Port and Intern Queen, Lauren Berger. 

Also, if you say you were referred by by Her Campus, you’ll receive a free gift in the mail. I know, this deal is getting better and better! Just email windsor@hercampus.com and info@bbmchallenge.com with your name, categories you entered and tell them you were referred by Her Campus. 

Good luck!

Lauren is in her senior year of college at American University in Washington, D.C., majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Marketing. A few of her favorite things include: reading, blogging (http://dcgirlinpearls.wordpress.com), social media (@DCGirlinPearls), politics, shopping, trying out new recipes, pearls and everything pink & green! She also loves college football, even though AU doesn't have a football team. After graduation, Lauren hopes to work in public relations for an agency.