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Patrick Kelly ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Patrick Kelly


Hometown: Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Relationship Status: Taken

Major: Political Science and Secondary Ed double major  

Ideal Girl:
 Well definitely someone who makes me laugh and just likes to have a good time. Also she has to really be able push me to try new things because I can be stubborn at times.

Dream Date: Front row for Dave Matthews Band concert sounds pretty awesome to me.

 SigEp, Student Gov, golfing, running, going to concerts, hanging with the friends, America, loving the city of Chicago

Favorite Place in DC:
 I love the Tidal Basin. There is nothing like running around it.

Celebrity Crush: 
Definitely Carey Mulligan

Three Words To Describe Yourself:
 Ambitious, Compassionate, and Happy-Go-Lucky

Guilty Pleasure:
 …Watching Lifetime Channel movies with my mom

Pet Peeves:
 When people text me back “k”

Places to Travel:
 I really want to hit up Dublin and Cape Town sometime.

Favorite Movie: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, hands down

Something That Not Many People Know About You:
 I have dyslexia and I’m a marathoner!

Future Plans: Go into education or law and have a family. Also be a really cool dad!

 Colleen V. Antonio is a student at American University in Washington DC. She is majoring in Public Communication with minors in Marketing. She is a member of the sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma. Currently, Colleen writes and is President for HerCampus American, which combines her interests in fashion, food, and entertainment in the local DMV area. One day she hopes to find a job with all these interests that will enable her to travel around the world. During her free time, Colleen enjoys exploring the city whether it is heading to listen to an underground band at Black Cat with her friends or even just eating cookie dough ice cream on the steps of the National Portrait Gallery.
Lesley Siu graduated from American University in May 2013 with a BA in Film and Media Arts and minors in Marketing and International Business. Originally from Hawaii, she loves photography, fashion, travel, social media and everything Parisian. She has interned at GLAMOUR magazine in New York and Washington Life Magazine in DC, but her proudest accomplishment is founding Her Campus American in 2011 while interning in Melbourne, Australia. You can usually find her reading a magazine, enjoying a hazelnut latte or posting a photo on Instagram... and sometimes, all at the same time. Follow her on Twitter: @lesleysiu and visit her blog.