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Olivia Koerner ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Olivia Koerner

Year: Junior

Hometown: Farmington, Connecticut 

Major: Finance

Relationship status: Single

Dream date: Going for a walk in downtown and then grabbing coffee, nothing too fancy

Favorite thing to do on a Sunday: Catch up on sleep and watch Netflix

What’s the craziest thing you have ever done or wanted to do: I got a tattoo over spring break, which isn’t really that crazy… but I want to climb the Hollywood sign someday

Biggest pet peeve: People who talk during movies… I don’t care how many times I’ve seen the movie, please don’t talk

Favorite disney rpincess: Mulan

Favorite music: One Direction

Something most people don’t know about you: I’m Latvian and I’ve attended the same Latvian camp for two weeks every summer since I was eight years old. My mom and siblings attended the same camp too. 

Celebrity crush: Chris Pratt, RIP Andy Dwyer

Role models: My dad, I wouldn’t be where I am today without him helping me every step of the way and I can’t imagine a stronger person

Favorite spot in D.C.: The Navy Memorial; it’s beautiful and so serene

Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Tulane Chapter Senior at Tulane University Majoring in Psychology, Minoring in Public Health Originally from Fort Myers, Florida