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My 5 Favorite Thanksgiving Desserts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Now that Halloweeen is over, the next big holiday on everyone’s mind is… Thanksgiving! Whether you are super-involved with the holiday or not, most collegiates equate Turkey Day with a break from school (finally!) plus lots of really tasty, home cooked food. If you’re like me and have a huge sweet tooth, you know that Thanksgiving means a certain selection of desserts that not only feed your stomach, but also your soul. Here are my top 5 favorite Thanksgiving desserts!

1.      Pumpkin Pie

This is hands-down my favorite dessert during Thanksgiving! Pumpkin pie, when done right, is creamy and smooth, lightly spiced, and is topped with mounds and mounds of whipped cream (homemade or store-bought). This is the recipe my family and I use every year, and the pie turns out perfect every single time! Don’t be scared by the long ingredient list – a number of spices go into the filling, which your family probably already has!

2.      Apple Pie

Let’s talk about my second favorite dessert: Apple pie. TDR serves this kind of pie year-round, but let’s be real, we all know the homemade version is a lot better. Apple pie is classic because it combines apples with spices that make the kitchen smell like heaven, all while under a buttery crust. There is an awesome recipe here. Peeling and slicing all those apples will take time, but trust me, the end product is so worth it!

3.      Pecan Pie

Another TDR favorite, but one best made by your own hands. This pie is my mother’s favorite and her enthusiasm for it has been passed on to me! This recipe is filled with crunchy pecans, all toasted to perfection. Make sure nobody has severe nut allergies when you make this one!

4.      Vanilla Ice Cream

Okay, so this is more a compliment to all of the pies rather than its own traditional dessert. But hear me out when I say that sometimes after a huge meal like Thanksgiving, the cool smoothness of plain vanilla ice cream really hits the spot. The recipe I found for making your own is incredibly simple, especially if you put the ice cream in to churn right before you start dinner. But if you want to keep things easy, then a high-quality store brand will do nicely. Then, when everyone is done with the savory stuff: soft serve vanilla!

5.      Biscotti

Yes, this isn’t really traditional Thanksgiving fare either. The biscotti is usually reserved for coffee or tea, and my family always has a hot drink in between the main meal and the dessert. This is the perfect time to munch on one of these Italian cookies! They’re light and airy, with a perfect crunch that is missed during pie time. So swirl one of these babies in your coffee and prepare for the sugary feast to come!


What are your favorite Thanksgiving desserts? Anything we missed? Tell us in the comments!


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