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Matt Lachance ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Matt Lachance

Age: 19 

Year at AU: Sophomore

Hometown:   Rochester, NY

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated with Anna Kendrick

Major: School of International Service – Development

Ideal Girl: Someone that makes herself stand out.  I love meeting girls who can have very serious conversations and joke around in the same evening.

Dream Date: Anything spontaneous. A good date always includes a little improvisation, and I’m happiest when the night ends after being somewhere or doing something unplanned.

Hobbies/Interests: Music, Greek Life, A Cappella, Keepin’ it real with the best of ’em

Favorite Place in DC: All of the small music venues around the city that keep a vibrant local music scene alive.

Celebrity Crush: Diane Keaton in Annie Hall

Three Words To Describe Yourself: Caring, Motivated, Easy-Going, Unable-to-Follow-Directions-Well

Guilty Pleasure: Playing guitar/mandolin late at night, probably to the disapproval of my fellow Berks residents

Pet Peeves: The possibility that someday Tavern, and similar places on campus, will be known by another name.

Places to Travel: I would love to take a tour of Africa and experience the diverse cultures and people.  I’m hoping to study abroad there soon!

Favorite Movie: It’s a tie between Trainspotting and The Goofy Movie

Something That Not Many People Know About You: I’ve never been off the continent!

Plans For Your Future (so far!): Keep making the most of my brief years at AU!


Born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, Claire Shriver is a Public Communication major and Marketing minor at American University in Washington, DC. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus American, Vice President of Communication for AU Social Media Club and an AU Ambassador. This past summer she interned in the Features Department at Marie Claire magazine and has a passion for travel, magazines, and film photography. Kristen Wiig makes Claire cry with laughter and Adele makes her swoon.