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A Look at Humans of New York

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

By now, most people on Facebook have heard about the page Humans of New York. HONY is a huge visual collection of photographs featuring New York City’s inhabitants with either quotes from the people photographed or short stories about them. The name behind the brilliant idea is Brandon Stanton, who created HONY back in summer of 2010. These photographs with their captions create vibrant glimpses into the lives and stories of people who have really made a connection with people from all over the world. The Humans of New York Facebook page now has over 3.4 million likes and it’s growing.

Brandon, who is 29 years old, takes to the streets of New York seeking to capture New Yorkers and their vibrant, beautiful stories. The best part is that these people are ordinary, everyday yet incredible people one would see and pass on the streets but never know anything about. HONY gives followers the chance to discover and to realize that everyone has a story to tell. It makes you see just how unique everyone is but also how universal many of our stories are. Brandon’s photos have the ability to make followers smile, laugh and even cry with some of the incredible moments he captures on camera.

According to his website, he to move to New York City after losing his job in Chicago and started taking pictures of random strangers on the street. New York is the perfect place to photograph people of every ethnic background, age, personality and lifestyle. It has ended up being a huge success for him as well as a source of enjoyment for the millions of people who enjoy Brandon’s ongoing project.

If you love Humans of New York check out the website and follow Brandon on Twitter. There’s even a Human’s of New York Book that’s a #1 New York Times Bestseller.


Photo Credits:


https://www.facebook.com/humansofnewyork/photos/a.102099983197444.4412.1… (Photo Credit: Brandon Stanton)



My name is Gabby, I'm a sophomore at American University and I'm majoring in Communication Studies.