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Keep Calm It’s Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Finals Week is almost here! You know what that means. You’re one step closer to winter break. But first, you need to get through all of your finals and the stress that comes with them. Here are some tricks to help you avoid the stress of finals week.

Eat stress-relieving foods

When studying for finals, don’t reach for one of your comfort foods although it may be tempting. Instead, try one of the following foods that help fight stress. Milk is a great option because it is full of vitamins B2, B12, antioxidants, calcium and protein. Drink some with a meal or put in cereal in the morning to start your day off right. Try snacking on almonds. Almonds have vitamin E in them, which has been shown to fight the free radicals released in your body when you’re stressed. Eat an orange. Foods high in vitamin C, like oranges, are great stress busters. Vitamin C also helps to fight the free radicals that stress releases in the body.

Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and high sugar content

When you want to avoid stress, you should avoid anything that will cause your body and mind to experience lots of highs and lows. Alcohol is a depressant and caffeine is a stimulant both of which will cause unwanted changes in your energy levels. Also foods with a high sugar content will cause a spike in your blood sugar levels which will feel great at first because of the increased energy, but then you’ll feel low once that increase diminishes making you feel sluggish and tired.

Vary your study spaces

If you study in the same place for long periods of time you’ll begin to lose focus and become frustrated. Avoid this by changing up where you study. Spend some time in your room or in the study lounges. Go to the library, SIS or the Battelle Atrium. If you keep changing the location of your study space, it’ll be easier to focus and you’ll get more done.

Take study breaks

Avoid mental exhaustion by taking short 10-minute breaks during your long hours of studying. Check YouTube for fun videos like the Movies In Real Life from Improv Everywhere that take iconic movie scenes and acts them out in public. There are so many fun ones to choose from. They’ve done scenes from Back to the Future, Harry Potter, and Indiana Jones just to name a few.

Look at pictures of puppies and kittens

It’s been shown that spending time with a dog can help reduce stress. If you don’t have access to a dog to hang out with for a while, look at images of puppies and kittens online during a study break. All the adorable animals will be a sure fire way to clear your head so you can keep studying.

Listen to music

Listening to music, especially classical music while studying is a great way to help retain information or to help reduce stress. Classical music helps slow the pulse, heart rate and blood pressure. Listening to music also helps decrease the levels of stress hormones in the body.


One of the best things you can do for your mind and body when your feeling stressed is to take the time and sleep or take a nap. Everyone knows naps are a collegiette’s best friend. Short naps will let you feel refreshed and provide you the energy boost you need to power through.


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