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Jillian Fumai ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Age: 20

Relationship Status: Together

Major: Health Promotion and a minor is Marketing

One thing I can’t live without: My Family

If you could hang out with one person, dead or alive, for a day who would it be? Beyonce

Hometown: Huntington, NY

Favorite TV Show: Gossip Girl

Life Dream: To be a pediatric nurse, Labor and delivery nurse

Favorite thing you are involved with on campus: Varsity Women’s Lacrosse

One place you’d love to visit: Australia 

Dream first date? A private boat ride around New York City watching the sunset.

Celebrity crush:  Ryan Reynolds

Something unique about you: I have an extra bone in both of my feet

If you could own any animal what would it be: An Elephant

3 words your friends would use to describe you: Outgoing, Witty, and Amicable