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Jayk Cherry ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Jayk Cherry

Major/Year: Finishing Sophomore year in an Audio Production and Music

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Relationship Status: (He left this one blank..) #mystery?

Hobbies/Interests: Music, Brazil, Portuguese, guitar, and hanging out

Something people don’t know about you: I lived in Brazil for two years

Favorite food: Mexican

What he’s listening to right now: Biggie Smalls

Summer plans: Internship and job in Boston

Guilty pleasure: Samba dancing

Ideal girl/date: Fun, smart, and enjoys music and dancing

I am currently a Junior at American University, pursuing a Music and Arts Management degree. I love all things music, fashion, and of course, coffee! I am a yogi and a runner. I'm vegetarian, and love to cook all types of food! I keep myself extremely busy, but every once in a while I find some time to let loose and be young. My current internship lets me work many music shows, so I get to do what I love and then write about it!