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Jackson Bedbury ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Jackson Bedbury

Major: Double major in International Studies and French

Hometown: Eugene, Oregon

Single or Taken: Single

Hobbies: Playing music and taking photos

Guilty pleasure: Legally Blonde

Favorite place to eat on campus: Global Fresh

Celebrity crush: This is such a big question…let’s go with Ellie Goulding.

If you could pick one place in the world to go, where would you go and why?: I’d go back to Paris. The French do it right.

Favorite memory at AU so far: Anderson Cooper

Monica is a freshman at American University and is studying for a B.A. in Journalism, and is still deciding what else she wants to do with her life. She's super excited to be a member of Her Campus American and experience college life. Right now her favorite things to do include exploring DC, dancing, reading fashion magazines and binge-watching television shows.