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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

As fall begins to take over campus, it seems like everyone’s trying out the latests trends, new items, and getting into the swing of fashion. I, however, am on the opposite end of the spectrum.

When I go to class, you can find me wearing sneakers, yoga pants or jeans, and a simple t-shirt. But lately, after seeing the adorable outfits everyone else is wearing, I’ve been considering trying to dress up a little more. After giving it some thought, I’ve realized that there really isn’t any benefit for me to going to class looking like a model.

When I have an early morning class, I’m already worried about eating some breakfast, printing out my paper, or even just remembering my ID. If I were to take the time to put together a cute outfit, style my hair, and apply makeup, I’d have to wake up at least 45 minutes earlier. While it might be nice to look great in class, I’d much rather feel great and have the extra sleep.

I always dress for comfort, especially when I have double-block or back-to-back classes.  Just looking at girls in 3-inch heels or tight skirts makes me cringe. I think it cannot be comfortable to sit through class while your foot is being bent at an unnatural angle, or how can you can you sit in your seat without wiggling every so often to adjust your top. Why not wear something that makes you feel relaxed?

What I really can’t fathom about dressing up for class is this: no one is looking at you. Whether you’re in a big lecture or a ten person discussion group, both your professor and your fellow peers probably have bigger concerns than what you’re wearing. A classroom doesn’t have any formal dresscode. It’s all about showing up, trying your hardest, and learning: looking great is optional, and feeling great is often made up of more than just your outfit.

So to the girls who can put on heels, a dress, and matching jewelry for their 8:55 classes: I applaud you. If fashion is something that makes you feel confident, or is simply a part of your routine, then don’t stop! But I’m perfectly fine with looking slightly less put together so that I can focus on other things.

Image credits: Cover image, 1, 2