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How to Stay Motivated to Finish the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Assignments are piling up and summer seems to be so close yet so far away and we slowly are moving towards the gatekeeper of summer break, the dreaded F word: Finals. With only a month of classes left, most of us are beginning to dream of beaches to be slept on, cities to be explored, home cooked meals to be eaten, and well-earned relaxation. In hopes of inspiring some small shred of motivation, here are some tips to put you back on track.


1. Re-Organize: Take time to actually plan out all of the assignments and tasks you have left for this semester. Start thinking ahead and find time in the coming weeks to complete them in small steps, minimizing the likely hood of an all-nighter. In addition, get rid of any materials that you don’t need to hold onto anymore. That test you got an A- on? Save it for studying for your final. Those doodles on the back of old handouts? Trash them. Go into these next few weeks uncluttered, with a course of action.


2. Limit Your Distractions: You know that Netflix show you’re binge watching? It’s probably best not to watch all of season 3 of House of Cards in one day. Instead, try writing half of your paper, answering a few practice questions, and then get back to the Underwoods. Find small ways to cut out distractions, and don’t let your work hang over you.


3. Find Support: Have you procrastinated that assignment because you don’t understand the material? Rather than pushing it away, reach out to your professors, classmates or campus resources to get the help you need. If you start thinking about your assignments now, facing it later will be a lot easier.


4. Go Outside: With the weather finally changing, make sure you go outside at least once a day. Go for walks, and spend time with friends in the sunshine. If you break up your day with time away from your work, you can set small goals. Try working on that study guide, and then laying on the quad or eating lunch outside with a friend. Don’t spend your weekends stuck inside trying to finish your assignment due the next day. Work ahead so you can plan to leave campus or out of the house on your days off.


5. Get Excited: Finally, get excited for summer! If start thinking about how you want to spend your summer days, you will get motivated to get there. Make a “2015 Summer Bucket List.” Ask yourself, “What do I want to explore and accomplish this summer?”


Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6