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How To Kick Late Semester Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

The first few months of the year are over and the excitement is beginning to wear off. All your group project have been submited, and with Thanksgiving break right around the corner, your motivation has reached an all-time low. While staying in bed all day to binge-watch Netflix sounds incredibly appealing, it can have a serious impact on your academics and your social life. Welcome to the end-of-semester blues.

Get some exercise

One of my favorite ways to reboot my motivation is to get moving. Numerous studies, such as one conducted by Justin Rhodes, associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois, have continuously proven that not only does exercising regularly makes you feel better, it also makes your brain stronger. Personally, going to Zumba twice a week has become my favorite form of exercise. Since starting Zumba classes, I’m happier, healthier, and more inclined to finish my schoolwork. Participating in regular exercise could be just what you need to get you out of that funk.


Part of why I sometimes slack off on my classwork is simply procrastination. I don’t feel like I have any impending due dates, so I start pushing all my work off. To prevent this, I use an agenda. Mine is from Lilly Pulitzer, but you can buy one anywhere. I love my Lilly planner because it’s so colorful that I love writing down my assignments. By keeping all my assignments in one place, I’m able to see what exactly I need to get done which means I don’t push off all my homework and projects until right before they’re due. I also love writing down fun events, like birthdays and parties.

Eat Well and Sleep Enough

Eating poorly and not getting enough sleep don’t just make you feel gross; they also seriously affect your daily habits. Two of the sneakiest culprits for a lack of motivation, bad eating habits and lack of sleep often go overlooked by collegiettes looking to reboot their energy. I suggest increasing the amounts of fruits and veggies in your diets (smoothies are a great way to do this) and cutting out some of the junk food. Sleep is especially important, I know I can’t function on anything less than eight hours, which is the amount recommended by doctors. While, getting eight hours isn’t always going to happen, try to shoot for as much sleep as possible.


My roommate Heather is always redecorating her side of the room with new pictures, pillows, and knickknacks. She says, “Redecorating my dorm makes it feel more exciting, and it helps me stay focused. I like making my space dynamic, I think that my constant redecorating keeps me from being too lazy.” Redecorating your room keeps your life from feeling too monotonous, a key factor that leads to the slump. Mix up your space a little sometimes, you can add a fun poster, change up the layout, or decorate for the seasons!

Try Something New

The most enjoyable way to shake things up is to venture out of the comfort zone you’ve probably created for yourself. Maybe it’s signing up for an art class, venturing into a coffee shop, or asking out the cute boy or girl in your math class, but making a small change can have a big difference.

Beating the end of semester blahs isn’t always easy, but in the end it totally pays off. Soon enough your days of dozing through class and lazing around in your p.j.s will only be a distant memory, as you bound through your days with energy galore.

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Born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, Claire Shriver is a Public Communication major and Marketing minor at American University in Washington, DC. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus American, Vice President of Communication for AU Social Media Club and an AU Ambassador. This past summer she interned in the Features Department at Marie Claire magazine and has a passion for travel, magazines, and film photography. Kristen Wiig makes Claire cry with laughter and Adele makes her swoon.