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How to Fight the Christmas Spirit (Until December)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

How to Fight the Christmas Spirit (Until December)


First of all, I love Christmas. I love the month of December, and I love celebrating the holidays. But it’s November. I don’t mean to be a Grinch here, but to me, the day after Halloween shouldn’t signify the beginning of the holiday season. Here are some ways to help combat the Christmas fever that has prematurely gripped campus.

Look, Don’t Touch Your Spotify Playlist

My Christmas playlist is one of my proudest accomplishments. I’ve cultivated the perfect blend of classics and new favorites into one incredible Spotify playlist. The She & Him Christmas album? Check. Michael Buble? Check. Oldies, like Bing Crosby and some Disney Christmas favorites? You’ve got it. But I make a rule of not listening to this spectacular entity (over 200 songs) until December 1. Sure, I’ve caught myself admiring said playlist. Yesterday, I wa staring at my secondary Christmas playlist, which is entirely “Last Christmas” by WHAM! and its various covers. But don’t touch that dial! (old radio reference) Look at, but don’t touch your Christmas music until AT LEAST the day after Thanksgiving.

Stick to Pumpkin/Nutmeg Flavors

Last I checked, it’s still fall! We still eat PUMPKIN pie at Thanksgiving. Yes, I am telling you – don’t quit on pumpkin spice just yet. It’ll make the fall season last longer and help you to combat your peppermint cravings.

Focus on Movember

No Shave November, aka Movember, is a great, charitable cause to focus on before the traditional “season of giving!” Think of Movember as holiday charity preseason, and help support your friends and family. Even if the mustaches and beards don’t really work for them.

Enjoy the Changing Leaves

DC is still a little behind on traditional weather changes, which means we get to hold onto the changing leaves for a little longer. This is yet another indicator that we are still in the fall and have yet to shift to winter! Enjoy the smell of leaves, the sound of stepping on crisp ones, and the pretty colors while they last!

Get Ahead on End of Semester Projects

Here’s a bummer: I have two papers and a presentation all due the Monday after Thanksgiving. That’s December 1. That’s when Christmas season officially starts. So to really enjoy that day in all of its holly jolly, Mariah Carey blasting glory, I’m going to get most of these papers knocked out now. And so should you! Take time to get ahead on your work so you can have time to enjoy your Thanksgiving break, time to adequately prepare for finals, and time to revel in all of December!

Create a Countdown to Thanksgiving Break

Arguably the best break of the school year, Thanksgiving is woefully overlooked when people turn their Halloween switches off and their Christmas switches on starting November 1st. Turkey, stuffing, football, pie, family…I can’t think of a better way to wind down the semester. Plus, the return to school after Thanksgiving and before Christmas break is around two weeks, so you basically get two breaks in one. All hail Thanksgiving! Don’t forget to get excited about Turkey Day!

If you absolutely MUST give in to your Christmas cravings, I have some light suggestions:

Do Your Christmas Shopping Online

This will help aid your urge to shop and find the best gifts for the people you love, but you’ll avoid hearing Christmas music and seeing decorations or displays. Save that for December, people!

Go Ice Skating at the Sculpture Garden

This one isn’t directly Christmas related, more generally winter themed. But it’s my personal favorite thing to do in DC in the winter, and they also don’t play Christmas music! Enjoy a fun, outdoor activity in a beautiful setting downtown. Don’t forget to bundle up and grab some hot chocolate on the way home!

Go Ahead…Get Your Red Cup at Starbucks

This is really unavoidable, since they just put out their red cups. If you want coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or some peppermint chai nonsense, this is how you’ll be able to feel the early holiday spirit.

It’s (almost) the most wonderful time of the year!

(Images: title, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

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Erin Vail


Erin is a senior Communication Studies major at American University. The loves of her life include sports, TV, and food.