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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

So, it’s been almost a month into school, and if you’re an upperclassmen, you’ve probably noticed and realized who the freshmen are. You know how they walk, how they talk, even how they dress. Everywhere you turn, you can spot a freshman in the crowd in a blink. But you were freshman once, right? So you probably did some of the same embarrassing things they’re doing now. Face it, you got too drunk for your own good that one time, or embarrassed yourself in front of that totally attractive athlete. We all were a little too excited to be in college, but we made it through our first year. So here’s my words of advice for all you first-year students.

Dear Freshman,

Hey, it’s okay…

…to travel in a pack, just in case you ever get lost on your way to TDR. At least one of you will know how to get there. …to takeover the Subway line in Eagle’s Nest because everywhere else on campus takes meal swipes too. …to ignore the upperclassman that tries to help you. But sooner or later you’re gonna need their help. …to go to the Writing Center because sooner or later the “bs-style” papers you wrote in high school won’t cut it. …to join a club to find your future husband because it will increase your chances of finding someone at AU. …to spend hours getting dressed for parties, even though you’ll come back ridiculously drenched in sweat or a hot mess. …to walk into Kogod even if you aren’t a Kogod student. They might give you a look, but you’ll be a BAMF, so it’s all good. …to look for opportunities for free food. You’re in college now, so it’s totally appropriate. …to go to the Dav three times a day, even though the wait is always longer than it takes to make your drink. …to wear your ID on a lanyard, because how else are we supposed to tell that you’re a freshman!

Um, not okay…

…to commit “floorcest”. Not cool dude. You’ll end up regretting it all year long.

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Brianna M. Williams is a student in the School of Communication at American University in Washington, D.C. She is studying print journalism, with minors in graphic design and marketing. Currently, Brianna is a seventeen social club member for Seventeen Magazine, an online marketing assistant in American University's School of Communication, and a chapter advisor for Her Campus. Dance Moms and E! News are her guilty pleasures. And she loves the feeling and smell of a new magazine, as much as she loves opening a new pair of shoes.
Born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, Claire Shriver is a Public Communication major and Marketing minor at American University in Washington, DC. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus American, Vice President of Communication for AU Social Media Club and an AU Ambassador. This past summer she interned in the Features Department at Marie Claire magazine and has a passion for travel, magazines, and film photography. Kristen Wiig makes Claire cry with laughter and Adele makes her swoon.