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Healthy Midterm Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

For me, studying for midterms means that my whole schedule is thrown around. I’m not sleeping as much; my gym time becomes library time, and my caffeine intake doubles. So when hunger rolls in and I don’t have time for a meal, I need something that can fill me up and be easy. Here are some great options for those who need tasty fuel! Stock up now or Pin later!

1.     Banana or Apple with Peanut Butter

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This is one of my favorite snacks. Both the fruit and peanut butter are full of fiber and other nutrients, and it’s astounding how long you’ll be full after eating the two together. You can’t go wrong with either a banana or apple, it’s really about preference.

2.     Skim Latte with two squares of Dark chocolate



If you need that caffeine boost with a sweet taste to it, then this treat is the thing! The latte will keep awake and alert during this stressful time and the dark chocolate provides antioxidants while still being delicious.


3.     Cheese Wedges with Crackers



This snack is particularly good when you need something on the heavier side. Even though it’s not very heavy in calories, a wedge or two from The Laughing Cow cheese with a handful of cracker or one Quaker rice cake is the perfect thing. Besides getting your calcium intake, you’ll stay full for long period of time.


4.     Popcorn



If it’s not the disgusting fake, movie-theater butter flavored kind, popcorn is actually a pretty good snack. Choose the healthy kind (look for low fat) and you can get a filling snack with an adequate amount of fiber.


5.     Greek Yogurt



Greek yogurt is amazing! I could live off of greek yogurt for a long time. While greek yogurt has more nutrients than regular yogurt, yogurt in general can be healthy, as long as the amount of sugar isn’t too high.


6.     Almonds


I recently started eating almonds and now I’m addicted. This snack is so good for you and can fill you up instantly. If you get bored of the same old of almond taste after a while, add bits of dark chocolate.


7.     Grapes


Grapes are another great snack that you snack on for a while and the acidity in the grapes keeps you full too. Plus, they’re not a loud snack  when you eat them so you can eat these as much as you want in the library!


8.     Luna Bars and Larabars


            These bars are a lifesaver! The variety of flavors are all delicious, and you’ll never get bored of the taste. They’re easy to grab, store in your bag, and not messy at all. My favorite flavor Luna Bar is Nutz Over Chocolate and my my favorite Luna Bar is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Really I just like that I can have chocolate and not feel too guilty about it……


9. Pretzel Sticks


            Pretzels are great because the saltiness is similar to chips but healthier! As long as they are eaten in moderation, these snacks can give you fiber and the energy to get through your midterms.


9.     Green Tea and Celery Sticks

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 Everyone should drink tea! Tea is so good for you and has a good amount of caffeine in it. I especially love green tea because it has the most benefits and adding celery is just another great way to fill you up. Celery has a good amount of water in it, so it can fill you up without consuming a lot of calories.