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Glenn Weisinger ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Glenn Weisinger

Hometown: Manalapan, NJ

Major/Minor: Public Communications with a marketing minor

Relationship Status: Single

3 words people have used to describe you: funny, outgoing, and adventurous

Hobbies/Interests: Twitter, binge watching tv on netflix, and listening to music

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lawrence!

Favorite Place in DC:  Anywhere with cupcakes

Dream Job: Be a reality TV star

Pet Peeves: When people take things too seriously or people who over post on Facebook

Something many people do not know about you:  I’ve worked in Disney world

Guilty Pleasure: I still watch Survivor

Favorite Music: “Top 40” music

Favorite movie, book, artist: The Dark Knight, Harry Potter series, Luke Bryan

Any summer plans? Spending my time at the beach!

My name is Gabby, I'm a sophomore at American University and I'm majoring in Communication Studies.